Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I saved this image on my computer about 3 years ago, and continue to enjoy it!

I'm interested in how everything (the roof, the bench, the floor and the structure) is part of the same continuos design.


My grandparents, 1940.

In my opinion Memories are the ones responsible to remind you of,  who you truly are and where you come from. I could not see myself living without memories and always remembering past experiences, that really teach you how to grow as an individual.


I don't consider myself superstitious, but I strongly believe in symbolism and its history.
I've been collecting this amulets for some time now.
This so called, amulets represent the following:

From right to left:

  • A Mayan symbol for love.
  • A Mandala my mom gave me to stimulate creativity.
  • The pig - my "zodiac sign" in the Chinese Calendar.
  • The Ankh - The egyptian key of life.
  • A sea star - which could be compared to a Pentagram.

Origami Architecture

In a effort to research and understand the Japanese culture, I came across this website:

I really enjoy the close connection origami and architectural systems work, since they both involve the art of "folding" to create spaces.

Repetition + Skeleton

Here's another transparent building. The magic in this picture is that the building and photo are both real, but the photo somehow give you the impression that you are seeing transparent skeleton of the building only. The windows are placed in such way to give you reflection of the opposite side of the building, thus making it look so real. I love this optical illusion, Don't you?


Carlos Cruz Diez - Simon Bolivar Airport, International Terminal.
Caracas - Venezuela

Color composition and its capability of stimulating your senses.
What do you feel when you see this picture?
I feel excited and playful . . .

Is time Linear?

Just a thought !

Venezuela | The little Venezia

Venezuela : named little Venezia by the conquistadors and Alonso de Ojeda.


Aula Magna | Universidad Central de Venezuela - Calder

Somehow the place we grew up is embedded in our personality. Caracas - Venezuela is the city where I am from.
Its Culture, Architecture, Natural Landscapes, Art, is so rooted in my soul and personality.

What can I say? I miss my city and I can’t live without it!

La Marimba

This is a painting I've been carrying around since I moved to United States.
Originally, it was hanged in my room when I was little, and since then, it has become one of my favorite artifacts.

The Venezuelan painter Regina Estrada is the author and I just absolutely love the colors and the planes extruding out the metallic canvas.

Out of the ordinary

Thinking outside the grid is very important for me. Or at least I try...
The best way to describe what happens inside my head, is something like this.

P. Eisenman, Diagrams of House III


I'm obsessed with organization. If you don't believe me, ask my roommates.
This is how my desk pretty much looks like after I finish a project...
Ummmm, what a feeling!

Natural Structure

The complex structure of flowers. To me, very intriguing.
Their delicate structure, smell, shape and composition is in perfect balance!


I love the sensation of being around candles. Is something about their perception, smell or the light they emanate, that I feel attracted to.

To Taste

Tasting is something I really enjoy. 
Gum is actually something I particularly like, due to its lasting taste!